$175.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Meantime Money Coaching | 6 months

What's included:

What you'll get:

  • 6 1-hour long coaching sessions, over a 6 month period.
  • Guidance on creating an exhilarating financial vision for your life.
  • Actionable steps to paying off debt, managing your income, investment strategies, and wealth building roadmap.
  • Resources to help do all of the above.
  • Guidance, encouragement, and inspiration to keep you on track. 

"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, or today!"

Everyone has made mistakes when it comes to money, so our goal is to get past any shame, fear, or doubt you have when it comes to your finances. You're strongest wealth building tool is your income, and with the help of a compelling vision, incremental action steps, and an encouraging coach, you can be well on your way to building a life of true wealth across the board. 

The outcome at the end of six months:

  • Clarity on your financial vision for years to come. 
  • An understanding of the way most of culture has set traps for you to lose with your money, and a new perspective on how to avoid those traps. 
  • An emergency fund of at least $1,000 to give you a feeling of security for any unexpected financial hiccups. 
  • Detailed monthly road map for how to use your income that can be repeated. 
  • A sense of progress as you see debt eliminated. 
  • Actionable steps that help you get closer to building the wealth you deserve to build. 
  • Investment resources and strategies. 

I truly believe that if you commit to this plan of "living like no one else, so later you can live and give like no one else", then after 6 months, you will already begin to see you financial strides in your life, but also in your emotions. 

This is not a get rich quick scheme, or a 6 month plan to make you a millionaire. I wish. But instead this is a guided plan to help you use the tools already at your disposal, and learning more, to help you role of your sleeves, get to work and change your financial legacy for years to come. 

I believe in you, so lets get started!

Your coach,

Timmy Riggs