$30.00 USD

Every month

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A journey for men chasing goals, & in the meantime enjoying the here, while getting there.

What you'll get:

  • Ongoing community encouragement & chat
  • Monthly Book Club, with book discussion
  • Monthly zoom over that goals & months theme, with occasional guest expert
  • Monthly Group Get together 
  • Monthly Theme, goals, and objectives 
  • Shared workouts and eating plans
  • 10% off MEANTIME WKND's and other products

Who's this for?

  • Men 18 and older 
  • Guys who are passionate about wanting to grow.
  • Men who are excited about growing their network and accomplishing their goals while learning a lot along the way. 
  • Men dedicated to positivity and encouragement. 
  • Ultimately, dudes who are looking to have a lot of fun while they see transformation in their lives, marriages, friendships, money, and health. 

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