There are a lot of ways to live life. The best way, is the way of Jesus. 


Our life is full of goals, dreams, and accomplishments that happen in the meantime. We win when we enjoy the here, while getting there.


Men desire community, challenge, and celebration.  Life is better when it's made up of genuine community



Bluntly said, its a group dedicated to guys who are worn out and tired with out of touch influencers, podcasters, celebrity pastors, and leaders who are spouting out crazy ideas on how to build fulfilling lives. Some of those people are great, but so much of whats said is ridiculous. 

This is a collection of husbands, dads, and men on their way there who desire a deeper community and friendships while on the path of becoming all that we can be. In a way, its a research group focused on how to live a healthy and abundant life in the areas of our MIND, MONEY, and MOVEMENT

The group functions around a monthly cycle that is centered around these top Value points:

  • Ongoing community engagement where we share our goals, the journey, what we're learning; which is recieved with encouragement, challenge, and celebration.
  • Monthly Theme that directs and shapes that months goal setting and discussion, connected to objectives. 
  • Monthly Book Club that correlates to that months theme. Culminated with an end of month zoom discussion over book.
  • Monthly Group Zoom discussion and goal overview, and occasional Q/A with an occasional Expert guest connected to that months theme. 
  • Meantime Meetup focused around a group run/exercise with ice baths, hot tubbing, and breakfast. If you're not local you're encouraged to find guys in your area to be a part of this day with you. This happens once a month.
  • Networking opportunity with the other men in the group to share about your business, life goals, marriage, etc. 


If for too long you have been sitting on the sidelines of building an extraordinary and consistent life, one that you're addicted to living, then now is the time to make a change.

The books you read, people you meet, way you manage your money, and how you move your body 100% determines who you become.

Join The Group


If you're ready to get fired up, learn, be held accountable to your goals, and be the man you know you can be, then jump in! No better time in your life than right now to become apart of a team focused on building the lives we know we can live, in the meantime. 

Future You is already getting stoked.

You're only ever going to be you...but you can become the ultimate version of you! Get ready to dominate your goals, build new friendships, have incredible experiences, and squeeze the juice out of life. 

Click the pic to join!

Founder: I'M TIMMY

 I've always desired to live an exciting and big life. Not just one that looks cool on instagram, but one where I'm excited to wake up, and see what the day has in store. A life where peace and joy are as present as big accomplishments. 

As a husband and father of two I'm constantly thinking about how I can build an amazing life for my family. One where there is health and excitement in all the areas of life. 

For me I have found that if my MINDSET, my MONEY, and my Physical MOVEMENT are healthy, then that checks a lot of boxes for designing a life that I'm addicted to living. 

My Story

I graduated college with a Theology & ministry degree. Spent six years as a college pastor. I've been running my Window Cleaning business full time for nearly three years. I love building community by getting guys with common goals together. And I'm really high on creating mountain top experiences. 

I jumped from ministry because I felt God pulling me in the direction of building a community outside of the local church. I'm a believer in the local church, but my desire is to truly build a space that is for anyone who is seeking to build their best life whether they're a believer or not. 

Ultimately, my desire is that you step into the curiosity that you have that says "I think there is another way to do life that culture is missing." 

The community I seek to build is one based on encouragement, challenge, and celebration, as we become the men and live the lives we know we have the opportunity to live. 






MEANTIME WKND's are a culmination of everything we do in the community group. A 3-4 day event where we get together, encourage, challenge, and celebrate one another. Hikes, ice baths, hot tubbing, fire-side chats, great food, and a few meaningful moments are what make this a refreshing time together.